Monday, August 26, 2013
It Just Takes One...
Coco Chanel famously said "Once you're dressed and ready, look in the mirror and take one thing off." ...This from a woman notorious for wearing an armful of bracelets. Anyway, the same is true in decorating. Too frequently we get caught up in "pairs." Pairs of lamps. Pairs of pillows. Pairs of tables. The special is reduced to the common. So make it simple and just use one. For example, this humongous 1970's vivid lamp is campy, kitsch, and absolutely perfect for carrying an entire room. A pair of these would look like Rooms To Go. Instead, one says "I was born in the 70's; have seen my share of late nights and fun parties; and am still here to light up your life." Go ahead. Take the plunge. But only with one.
St. Andrews from the Cathedral