Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Technology Tuesday: Electronics Purchasing Hints

As one who is infinitely familiar with the details of purchase orders and shipments for things for the home such as furniture, fabrics, and wallpaper, I can assure you that purchasing electronics is no different. You must be armed with the same level of information; know the same parameters and specifics that you'll need; and use the same level of detailed ordering information. However, there are a few hints that can make electronics purchasing easier.

1. Buy Online. You must know exactly what you want, but there are numerous sources to buy from, and pricing can be very competitive. You'll pay shipping, but no tax. People are often daunted by shipping large electronics, but it's done safely every day and the tax benefits are less than the shipping costs. Check good sites like cnet for the most up to date information.

2. Buy Smart. Don't purchase extended warranties: they're just ways that the company gets more money out of you that you rarely need. Either the item will be very reliable, or a new model will debut before your warranty expires.

3. Go with companies that you know are successful in various mediums. Sony invented Blu-Ray; therefore, you know their Blu-Ray player will be good. Good companies produce good products.

4. Do your Homework. Know what you need and what would be considered excessive for you. There's no reason to pay more money for features you will never use, or might have through another electronic device.

St. Andrews from the Cathedral